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Slurm Job Submission at SU-HPC Cluster

On Tosun cluster you can find Slurm submission script templates in a the folder: /cta/share/jobscripts

Copy the one you need to your work folder and modify it as required:

mkdir /$HOME/<username>/workfolder

cd /$HOME/<username>/workfolder/

cp /cta/share/jobscripts/ /$HOME/<username>/workfolder/


Submitting jobs to the queue

Jobs are submitted to the system with the command below:


See the page about Slurm Queueing System Commands for more information on creating job submission scripts.

Slurm Partitions (Job Queues)

Slurm Resource Manager has partitions which are job queues. These partitions has different limits and member nodes. You can see the active partitions and their limits with sinfo command on the cluster.

The Slurm Cheat Sheet

Essential Slurm Commands

Command Description Example
sbatch [script] Submit a batch job $ sbatch job.sub
scancel [job_id] Kill a running job or cancel queued one $ sbatch job.sub
squeue List running or pending jobs $ squeue
squeue -u [userid] List running or pending jobs $ squeue -u mdemirkol

Submitting a Slurm Job Script

The job flags are used with SBATCH command. The syntax for the Slurm directive in a script is #SBATCH. Some of the flags are used with the srun and salloc commands, as well for interactive jobs.

Resource Flag Syntax Description Notes
partition --partition=short Partition is a queue for jobs. default on
qos --qos=short QOS is quality of service value (limits or priority boost) default on
time --time=01:00:00 Time limit for the job. 1 hour; default is 2 hours
nodes --nodes=1 Number of compute nodes for the job. default is 1
cpus/cores --ntasks-per-node=4 Corresponds to number of cores on the compute node. default is 1
resource feature --gres=gpu:1 Request use of GPUs on compute nodes default is no feature
memory --mem=15500 Memory limit per compute node for the job. Do not use with mem-per-cpu flag. default limit is 15500 MB per core in beegfs[101-108] nodes
memory --mem-per-cpu=4000 Per core memory limit. Do not use the mem flag, default limit is 15500 MB per core in beegfs[101-108] nodes
account --account=users Users may belong to groups or accounts. default is the user's primary group.
job name --job-name="hello_test" Name of job. default is the JobID
constraint --constraint=gpu compute-nodes AVAIL_FEATURES
output file --output=test.out Name of file for stdout. default is the JobID
email address User's email address required
email notification --mail-type=ALL --mail-type=END When email is sent to user. omit for no email

Running a GUI on the Cluster

Some applications provide the capability to interact with a graphical user interface (GUI). Large-memory applications and computationally steered applications can offer such capability. With Slurm, once a resource allocation is granted for an interactive session (or a batch job when the submitting terminal if left logged in), we can use srun to provide X11 graphical forwarding all the way from the compute nodes to our desktop using srun.

For example, to run an X terminal:

srun --x11 -A users -p short -n1 --qos=users --pty $SHELL

Note that the user must have X11 forwarded to the login node for this to work -- this can be checked by running xclock at the command line.

Additionally, the --x11argument can be augmented in this fashion --x11=[batch|first|last|all] to the following effects:

  • --x11=first This is the default, and provides X11 forwarding to the first compute hosts allocated.
  • --x11=last This provides X11 forwarding to the last of the compute hosts allocated.
  • --x11=all This provides X11 forwarding from all allocated compute hosts, which can be quite resource heavy and is an extremely rare use-case.
  • --x11=batch This supports use in a batch job submission, and will provide X11 forwarding to the first node allocated to a batch job. The user must leave open the X11 forwarded login node session where they submitted the job.

Job Reason Codes

These codes identify the reason that a job is waiting for execution. A job may be waiting for more than one reason, in which case only one of those reasons is displayed.

State Code Meaning
PENDING PD Job is awaiting resource allocation.
RUNNING R Job currently has an allocation.
SUSPENDED S Job has an allocation, but execution has been suspended.
COMPLETING CG Job is in the process of completing. Some processes on some nodes may still be active.
COMPLETED CD Job has terminated all processes on all nodes.
CONFIGURING CF Job has been allocated resources, but are waiting for them to become ready for use
CANCELED CA Job was explicitly cancelled by the user or system administrator. The job may or may not have been initiated.
FAILED F Job terminated with non-zero exit code or other failure condition.
TIMEOUT TO Job terminated upon reaching its time limit.
PREEMPTED PR Job has been suspended by an higher priority job on the same ressource.
NODE_FAIL NF Job terminated due to failure of one or more allocated nodes.
InvalidQOS The job's QOS is invalid.
PartitionNodeLimit The number of nodes required by this job is outside of it's partitions current limits. Can also indicate that required nodes are DOWN or DRAINED.
PartitionTimeLimit The job's time limit exceeds it's partition's current time limit.
QOSJobLimit The job's QOS has reached its maximum job count.
QOSResourceLimit The job's QOS has reached some resource limit.
QOSTimeLimit The job's QOS has reached its time limit.

Please follow the links for more...



QoS settings

Command Description
users MaxSubmitJobsPerUser=10 MaxTRES=cpu=40 MaxNodes=2 --account=users --qos=short All users All partitions
cuda MaxSubmitJobsPerUser=10 MaxTRES=cpu=40 MaxNodes=2 --account=cuda --qos=cuda --gres=gpu:1 All users Includes cuda partitions


System software

  • Various operating systems are being used in our systems. If you need a particular OS please let us know.
  • Slurm resource manager

Compilers and parallel programming libraries

  • GNU Compiler (GCC, GFortran)
  • Java, Python, Perl, Ruby
  • OpenMPI - library for MPI message passing for use in parallel programming over Infiniband and Ethernet
  • ...and more.


  • Please run the module avail command from your ssh console to view a list of available applications.

Application software

  • Gaussian, Blast, Namd, Gromacs and many more.
  • Please run the module avail command from your ssh console to view a list of available applications.